"Remembering the Legacy of the Ferris Wheel from the 1893 Chicago and 1904 St. Louis World's Fair"


The Chicago Columbia Exposition

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The Chicago Columbia Exposition

Early in 1891 a group of civic leaders met in Chicago discussed plans for the upcoming World’s Columbia Exposition.  At the meetings plans were discussed for different attractions at the exposition.    A major theme of the Exposition was to demonstrate new sciences and technology emerging from the USA at that time.  Something distinctive was needed that would demonstrate the United States as a technological leader. The foremost symbol of engineering accomplishments at that time was the Eiffel...

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The Ferris Wheel

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The Ferris Wheel

There were many proposals, but one that towered about all was submitted by a young, 33 year old engineer, names George Washington Ferris.  An accomplished Civil Engineer, having designed a number of steel bridges and high rise buildings throughout the country.   Mr. Ferris proposed an “Observation Wheel” that would be greater than anything ever attempted. His suggestions was ridiculed as being impossible to build and labeled him as “the man with wheels in his head”   He persevered and using...

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The Cars

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The Cars

The Exposition opened in May of 1893 with centerpiece of the Fair was the Observation Wheel.  The wheel measured 250 feet in diameter and was supported by two massive tower each 140 feet high.  The highest point of the wheel was 295 feet, higher than a 25 story building.  The wheel held 36 cars each the size of a small bus holding 45 passengers.  A total of 2500 passenger could be carried in the Observation Wheel at one time.  Admission charge was 50 cents for a ride that circled twice and...

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Spectacular Success

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Spectacular Success

The wheel exceeded all expectation and demonstrated to the world that the USA was a leader in technology. The wheel carried 1.5 million passengers in its short 19 weeks of operation and on its busiest day it carried over 30,000 passengers.  Mr. Ferris was acclaimed for meeting the challenge of surpassing the significance of the Eiffel Tower.    Following the close of the Exposition, the Observation wheel was moved to Frankland Park in Chicago.  It operated for there for a short 4 months and...

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What Next

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What Next

Nulla ornare, nulla et egestas hendrerit, ipsum dui vulputate dolor, et ornare orci erat eleifend pede. Fusce eros libero, vestibulum non, elementum eu, suscipit eget, leo. Donec consectetuer tincidunt diam. Sed et mauris in ligula feugiat hendrerit. Cras neque purus, mollis non, adipiscing ac, pretium eget, turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum vulputate metus in ligula. Ut at tellus. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in orci eget...

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